MIDNIGHT RESISTANCE ------------------- Pause the game with F10 and type in "OPEN THE DOOR HAL." Unpause the game and play on with new found strength. If this cheat gives you trouble, try "SAMANTHA LYON" for infinite credits. When the game is running in the demo mode type ITS EASY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW and start the game with infinites. MIDNIGHT RESISTANCE HINTS AND TIPS. LEVEL 1 The end of level one throws the first of many armoured vehicles against you.On this screen you will see a crack in the ground - stand here and fire like hell the tank blows up.When the tank fires at you move to the left then jump to the right back to the crack in the floor. Be careful not to shoot the soldier , as this has the incurred effect of rather pissing off the driver, leading to a barrage of bombs being thrown at you.Keep up with these tactics and you will soon destroy the tank.As soon as the tank explodes move right to dodge his last feeble attempts at your destruction. LEVEL 2 Here you will meet a formidable opponent in the shape of an automated firing platform. Simply climb the hill jumping the laser blasts as you go once at the the top keep hitting the fir button and jumping as the turret gets to the top of the platform. Farther into this level you encounter a series of rising platforms. When you get to them be very careful as you jump automatically onto them, one wrong move and disappear into the depths losing all your weapons and you cant get them back . One at the top you will come against four circular sawblades keep shooting and keep moving . The main thing at this stage is to keep them little legs moving as the sawblades home in on your position. After dealing with these you will be faced with more saws - only larger. These run on tracks fixed to the wall. These blades can be disposed of without loss of life simply by moving to the left of the screen.Once there,fire at the saw moving towards you.When it passes move to the right of the screen to avoid the blade coming the opposite way.Once that has passed move back to the left and carry on in the same way until the first saw- blade has been destroyed.Now move to the right of the screen and position yourself just left of the small platform and fire diagonally towards the central Eye.When the second sawblade has been destroyed the Eye will start shooting so blast as fast as possible before his bullets meet you. LEVEL 3 In general the same rule applies to the armoured vehicles as in the first level. Just be careful of the bombs they throw at you upon their demise. You will eventually climb into a beautiful sunset, don't be fooled by its tranquillity - jump right and hug that corner ! Yes here they come 'cue 688 Squadron Music' a whole god damn flight of Jet fighters here fly past in formation , a signal to your destruction ? No i'm afraid not , if you picked the right weapon from the last shop you will be as safe as houses.You will need the Shower bomb keep low and try and score a direct hit with your bombs as this kills them off allot quicker.Once they are all destroyed strut your funky stuff to the next level. LEVEL 4 When you see the Helicopter concentrate on dodging the bullets you cant kill it off!. When you meet Mr Flame go down the ladders to him firing diagonally down and left this will kill all the beams except one . Once you have shot that from the bottom , shoot him and away you go. LEVEL 5 Keep your cool and don't panic. If you picked force field from the last shop you will find this level a little easier. Be very careful and time the blades to go over you. LEVEL 6 Start blasting the ship as soon as you see it! a few well placed Shower Bombs soon helps it on its way "down to the merky bottom"!!!!!! LEVEL 7 YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN ! End..........